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Webinar Series 2023: Revitalizing Ethics of Care: Building Sustainable Humanist Communities in Higher Education

With Anthony Cruz Pantojas, Humanist Chaplain Tufts University

This conversation highlights the urgency of developing an ethics of care to sustain humanist communities in higher education. Specifically, dimensions of care in this era of sociopolitical flux will be explored as it pertains to the needs of a campus environment. Throughout, the implications of critical and reflexive spaces for pluralistic, ethical, and spiritual inquiries will be examined.

Anthony Cruz PantojasAnthony Cruz Pantojas is the Humanist Chaplain at Tufts University. Anthony has been recognized with numerous awards, including an Interfaith America Innovation Fellowship. He spearheads an initiative for global majority first-generation emerging spiritual, ethical, and cultural leaders in college. Cruz Pantojas earned Master’s degrees in Theological Studies and Leadership Studies from Andover Newton Theological School and Meadville Lombard Theological School, respectively. They hold a Certificate in Humanist Studies from the American Humanist Association Center for Education where they are the first graduate of the program. Anthony is a doctoral candidate in Cultural Studies. They serve as a Board member of the Association of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Life in Higher Education and representative to the International Association of Chaplains in Higher Education. Anthony is endorsed by the Humanist Society as a Humanist Chaplain and Celebrant.

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