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Cohousing Communities

Webinar Series 2022: Cohousing Communities: a Housing Model that Can Help Meet the Societal Needs of Today

With Linda Kruus, Ottawa Cohousing

Join us for a conversation with Linda Kruus, Directing Manager at Ottawa Cohousing, to find out:

What are cohousing communities?

What are the benefits and advantages of the cohousing model?

What is the history of the cohousing movement worldwide? Where did it originate and why?

What are some of the hurdles in creating cohousing communities?

What is Ottawa Cohousing and how can you get involved in this movement?

Linda KruusLinda Kruus is a connector. She takes pleasure and pride in finding compatible matches between people that enable their projects to move smoothly forward. Her deep sense of empathy is drawn, in part, from her extensive experiences with international traveling and local volunteerism.

Having been an integral member of the Farm Boy Construction and Equipment Purchasing team for five years, Linda understands the purchasing, designing and problem solving involved with large building projects. She can navigate the capital budgeting and logistics that transpire to bring a project to a successful opening. She was the Distribution and Facilities Manager at Bridgehead Coffee for close to a decade. In this role she was responsible for coordinating her three distinct teams to create a seamless distribution of internal and external support services and products, for the 15 coffee shops.

As the Directing Manager at Ottawa Cohousing, it is with these managerial skills that Linda guides and supports her clients towards realizing their dream of creating a community.

Linda has a Bachelor of Industrial Design from Carleton University. She continues her learning, through webinars, courses, and conferences, about all things related to building cohousing communities and supporting groups in reaching this goal.

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