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Humanist Officiants are ambassadors for Humanism in Canada. We come from all walks of life and professions. Many Officiants have full or part-time careers, while others commit upon retirement. What we all have in common is a desire to provide a meaningful humanist ritual to mark the special occasions in our lives.

Becoming a Humanist Officiant is a significant undertaking. A committee evaluates officiant applications according to a rigorous set of criteria to establish education and life experiences. Candidates must have highly developed interpersonal, interviewing, writing, organization, and presentation skills and effectively communicate Humanist principles.

You should be aware that it generally takes 12 months or more to become an officiant, from receipt of your membership to completing your application, which includes writing an essay on Humanism, reference checks, interviews, and successfully completing the training. We do not fast-track applications for any reason, and every candidate must complete all the training modules.

Individuals who successfully complete the training program are appointed as Humanist Canada Officiants. In Ontario, you will also be registered to solemnize marriage in accordance with the Ontario Marriage Act.

To qualify as an Officiant applicant, you must meet the following minimum requirements: 

  1. A minimum of one year of continuous paid membership in Humanist Canada.
  2. A post-secondary degree, diploma or equivalent training and life experience.
  3. You must embrace a Humanist philosophy and be familiar with Humanist core values and principles.
  4. Candidates must have a genuine commitment to Humanism and demonstrate this through active involvement in Humanist Canada.
  5. An ability to comfortably explain the philosophy of Secular Humanism to others, especially clients and the general public whom you will meet at ceremonies.


We do not accept applications from:

  • Anyone not meeting the minimum requirements.
  • Individuals whom a religious organization currently licenses.
  • Anyone who does not identify as a humanist.

Become A Member

We look forward to working with you as you become a Humanist Canada Officiant.

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