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Weddings are a joyous occasion, in front of family and friends, for two people to declare their commitment to share their lives together.

Humanist wedding ceremonies are guided by the belief that all human beings shape their own destiny and give meaning to their own lives. We focus on your values and unique personalities to commemorate your special day in a meaningful, non-religious way.

There is no prescribed wording. Your Humanist Officiant works with you to build a ceremony that is a true reflection of your commitment to each other. Your Humanist wedding ceremony can be traditional or whimsical, formal or casual, simple or elaborate, indoors or outdoors. It is as unique as the two of you. It is the ceremony you want, not the ceremony someone thinks you need.

Humanist wedding ceremonies are inclusive and welcoming to all couples regardless of faith, ethnicity, sexual orientation or cultural heritage. Your Humanist wedding ceremony isn’t about celebrating the beginning of your marriage but about celebrating a point on the life journey you are taking together.

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to plan and create your unique ceremony.

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